Moris Freiburghaus

«Dialogue between cultures is an antidote to rejection and violence. Instead of building walls, we rather sit together and exchange information in order to find appropriate solutions for todays global challenges».
«To get the chance to film in the Hermitage Museum gave me a spark of inspiration. Since two month I started to paint Black Squares impulsively. There's even a black square in front of my camera right now. Starting point for my work is the monumental painting from Malewitsch. To this day I don't know, where this project will lead me, but I guess that's a good thing; starting from point Zero to get somewhere new».
Climbers on Mount Rainier
4K Time-lapse Clip
What are you expecting from the upcoming Media-Forum Dialogue of Cultures?
— I don't really have any expectations, but I'm really curious about the whole trip. All in all it's a wonderful opportunity to get in touch with the Russian culture in general. For me it's the first time in Russia and I prefer to not just consume a city, but also to participate. I'm also looking forward to meet people from around the globe.
— What do you think of today's digitalization tendency?

— The digitalization has a huge impact on us on different levels. It's incredible and frightening to think how fast it all developed in the last 30 years. Our perception of reality shifted. The boundaries of fiction and reality dissolve. For me personally it brings a lot of opportunity. But I'm in a really privileged position, coming from a wealthy country with good educational background.
— How long did the filming take?

— We filmed for about 9 month. Lots of it was preparation and only a small percentage of the footage ended in the film. We did a lot of interviews sessions that never made it in the final cut. But they were important to built trust.
— How and when did the idea of «Summerloch»come to you?

Denis, the main character of the film, saw one of my short films. He approached me after the screening and asked me if I want to make a film about him. It was a bizarre question to be honest and he was probably joking.
Later we met again in the skatepark and we started having conversations, that eventually led to the decision to make this film.
What is this film about?

— The film is an observation about friendship and family structures. It was actually an attempt to help Denis, that ended in a test of our friendship while sitting in traffic.
I try to not have a «main message» in my films. It's more about observations and raising questions. I want to engage the audience to look closer and decide for themselves.

— What problems did you face shooting the film?

It's really easy to shoot a documentary. The problems start in the editing room. I had a hard time finding the right form for this film. It was not planned that I was part of the film. This happened during the shooting, when my cameraman decided to film me as well. It was after an interview, when we walked to the train station. I was so lost in my mind, that I didn't even notice that he was filming me.
To portrait myself was really strange. For a long time a was stuck in front of the computer not able to make one decision. I was dreaming of burning the harddrives with all the material. Luckily I didn't.
After a while I could finally accept help. So my friend and editor Michael Karrer came on board. Together it was much easier to make radical decision. In the end it was funny how the film kind of mirrored my own reality. It's all about friendship.
Stay tuned:
Instagram: Moris Freiburghaus // morisfreiburghaus
WhatsApp: 0041798239864