The Hermitage
lives, works and wins

The worldwide known Russian museum continues its work during pandemic and holds actions in support of its Italian colleagues, Friends of the Hermitage.
The Hermitage has been holding daily live streams in social media since March 17, 2020. For now, 19 online museum tours came off, which has generated more than 4,5 million hits, this reflects their high demand and big social value.
Since the reception of visitors has been ceased, the staff of the museum is using this opportunity to prepare the Hermitage for the returning of the audience and to take better care of its exhibits and halls.
«Unique things are happening all around us. In these hard times, when the humanity faced the coronavirus pandemic, the world starts transforming swiftly. It's glad to see that even such conservative institutions as museums are opening up from another side now».
Ashot Dzhazoyan, Secretary of the Russian Union of Journalists
On the March 26, 2020 took place a tour around the halls of the Winter Palace in Italian, one of the most significant in a series of live streams. In such a unique way the museum decided to express support to the Friends of the Hermitage in Italy, and all Italians in general, who are trouble times now, and as all of us, are fighting against the COVID-19.

This live stream raised a colossal feedback. Italians really appreciated this action. They are looking forward to watching the new online tours in their mother tongue, while the viewers from the other countries ask the Hermitage's staff in the comments to hold live streams in other languages as well.
Intelligent isolation. Streams' preparation backstage
«Thank you for this amazing tour in Italian. In this hard moment we feel that the Russians are near us, we thank you and wish you all the best. I've told about this tour to my students».
Patricia, live stream's viewer
Online tours are available at the official YouTube-channel of the State Hermitage Museum: